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Buy Sell

What Will You Sell?

February 20, 20245 min read

Inspiration and Wisdom

Be Careful What You Look For

“Whatever you go looking for in the world, you are sure to find it.”

-Brené Brown

The lesson here is to be VERY careful what you go looking for. Junk food? Plenty of it. A way to work out? No problem, there are many. A positive person to date? They are available. A negative person to date? The same. A successful business model to follow? There are many. A good mentor or coach? Here I am.

“Whatever you go looking for in the world, you are sure to find it.”

Be Careful What You Look For

Personal and Business Finance
Behavior vs. Knowledge

Personal Finance is 80% behavior and 20% head knowledge. So is running a business.

Behavior vs. Knowledge

Starting and Scaling Your Business
The 7th Absolute to Starting and Scaling Your Business is What You Will Sell

What you sell is critical. Will you sell Goods, Services, or both? Doughnuts are Goods, while house cleaning is a service. Goods are things. Services are things you do for people.

What you sell has to be something people want with great desire. It also has to start with a large gross profit margin, because there will be many types of overhead that eat into that margin.

I prefer Goods and Services that are Evergreen. That means people need them all year round, so they aren’t seasonal products or services. You might be more comfortable with seasonal things.

It also helps to think about human beings and their needs, and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is one way to do that. Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist who developed a hierarchy of needs to explain human motivation. His theory suggested that people have a number of basic needs that must be met, before people move up the hierarchy to pursue more social, emotional, and self-actualizing needs. His theories are represented by several visible models. Here are a few of them:

maslows heirarchy of needs

maslows motivational model

The higher on the pyramid your Goods and or Services are, the less frequent your sales will be of them.

The last thought for today about what you sell is this one: How unique can your Goods and Services be? Uber didn’t invent taxi or black car services, but their app and the ease with which people could order their services WAS revolutionary. Costco was unique not because of what they sold, but because of their membership model, larger quantities, and quantity discounts. Crumbl has cookies for sale. Big deal. Their uniqueness is the fact they are very creative when they make cookies, and they rotate what cookies are available each week. The result? Cookies that cost over $4 each. You get the picture. Don’t be another “me, too” company. Figure out how to be unique.

The 7th Absolute to Starting and Scaling Your Business is What You Will Sell

Tech Talk
Bundled Services

It used to be not long ago that you had to buy individual services and each one came in a box. You would go to a place like Office Depot or Staples and buy Turbo Tax in one box and QuickBooks in another, then install them using discs on your computer. Only then could you use QB or do your taxes. Now, all that has changed.

Now you can go to a company like Intuit and find all the services you need bundled in one place.


Bundled Services

Spotlight on a Business
Studying How Chickens Walk

New Balance is a very successful shoe company. They go their start because someone noticed something interesting about the way chickens walked. Watch the full story here.

He Saw A Chicken, Then Turned It Into A Billion Dollar Shoe Brand!

new balance

Studying How Chickens Walk

Marketing Magic
Money Goes Where People Go

“Money Goes Where People Go”

- Gary Vaynerchuk

No matter what marketing methods you use, and no matter what messages you employ, your marketing has one goal. That goal is to get eyeballs on or in your business-on your website, in your brick-and-mortar business, or both. Why? Money goes where people go. If you cannot get their interest, time, and attention you cannot get them to spend their money.

Money Goes Where People Go

The Boss Sauce - Managing
Busyness is NOT Business

Sometimes, being the boss can cause a lot of anxiousness and we use busyness as the medicine for that condition. By staying busy all the time, your nerves are soothed, and you feel like you are “getting something done.”

The problem with occupying your time with low level tasks to make yourself feel better is it doesn’t give you the space to think about the important tasks that would improve the business the most. It is critical that you leave that space in your schedule to think about the business, and to work ON the business, and not just work IN the business.

The proper order is:

  • Plan Your Work

  • Work Your Plan

  • Evaluate Successes and Failures

  • Repeat this process

Busyness is NOT Business

The Last Word



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